



Dear Everyone

Thank you very much for coming to our xmas gathering today.
We had a very nice day together.
Also thank you very much for all the things we received from you.

Hope to see you at our next event!

Doma House






Its a bit late for the announcement,
but we are organizing a xmas gathering. We are going to make some decorations.
It will take place on Sunday, 16th December 13~18 PM. No reservation is needed.

Looking forward to seeing you and your children!

Movie tonight 8/Nov

Movie tonight will be again bringing-in style.
Actually last time we were just chatting though.
Starting around 8pm.
See you later.


Movie tomorrow 1st of Nov


Dear friends,
Tomorrow, we will have movie night. But we haven't decided film yet.
So please bring your favorites and we all can choose one for this night.
Starting at 20:00.
See you soon.

Shizen vol.1 @ Doma House Tomorrow 27th Oct

Shizen vol.1
@ Doma House
from 5 pm 27th October


We are having a music/video/dance event tomorrow 27th on saturday from 5pm @ doma house.
Sorry for writing it just the day before...
Since last week, musician Samuel stays at our place and he is organizing this event.
The text below is written by Samuel.

Doma house is a self renovation house in Kyoto. When I arrived a week ago to live there we talk with taku to organise some musical video & dancing event.
For this first event, is to explore the space with music by spatilasation and acoustic instrument player moving in the space.
For more information you can contact Taku : doma.house(at)gmail.com or 090 2560 8646

the artists that will play with the space of doma house : (some additional will come)

un escargot vide
French artist actually in Art residency in Taiwan. _Graduated from the School of Fine Arts in Mulhouse & from the Beaux-Arts in Paris with honors in 2005. Across the sound performances, he creates a soundscape between the limit of realistic sound and abstract one. "A narrative poetic dreamy travel” who fits with his "kawai" colorful live drawing .


curator and organiser of the event. Samuel André is a french multimedia artist. He is main sound work is based on the use of field recording, mixed all together by improvisation, creating an intense and emotionally universe you pass through as a waking dream, stimulate your imagination and moving your body to create your own cinema for ear. In 2002 he won the 1st prize of the Aquitaine movie-music contest in the experimental movie category. During 2011, has presented two multimedia installations for the exhibition playground in Taipei and for the WSK festival in Manille. Has worked with various artists : dancers, composers, videographers, architect, director and instrumentalists & has curated different art event in East Asia. For this event , he spatialized the sound on 4 speakers in the house.

He had found lure and potency of folk instruments during his traveling around East Asia from 2006 to 2009. He had played in a band named “HEIZI” formed around folk musicians and which was based at Yunnan province in China.
After returned to Japan, he formed a folk instruments trio “LOOONGGU". LOOONGGU tried to scrap and rebuild a kind of dance music which has been mostly interpret in context of western music or computer techno music, into elaborate Irregular Meter ensemble using folk instruments.
As LOOONGGU’s disbanded, he started solo-performance. Jew’s harp, Didgeridoo and human beat box with effect pedals exploring visional instinctive passionate of sounds. He also plays active roles in a wide variety of session playing together with rock, noise, chip tune musicians and some modern and experimental performers in domestic and from overseas. _He will play as solo and in collaboration wih ieva

Yuriko Kikuchi
painist from formation she collaborate with different artists from Kyot and osaka like slonnon & dancer Meri Toshi. She is actually part of the band Harp On Mouth Sextet.(http://harponmouthsextet.com/) She will come to play & perform with the space of the house. Appearing as solo or in collaboration with the other performers, as she sees fit.

http://soundcloud.com/amogano-a-k-a-ememe Composer of experimental music mainly,laptop and percission improviser,anti-nukes activist etc...
Living in Kyoto,Japan. Absorbed in extreme music in teen and started playing electric bass. Tried to form a grindcore band in Tokyo but failed. Then started DTM. Composition is self-taught. These days,oftern listen to jazz music. Hobby is traveling. Prefer traveling developing countries. As yuriko, he will play as he sees fit : percussion & others objects ...

Inhabitant of the first hours of Doma house : He will open the show by improvising with contact mic and different stones found in the mountain on a movie I shot in the garden of the house.

to conclude the event , we will show this absolutly amazing digital moving painting by :
Jacques Perconte

Jacques Perconte lives and works in Paris. He is well known as one of the pioneers of French internet art. He is among the first artists to have worked on compression codecs. He made his debuts with internet and video art. His first films date back from 1995 and his first internet artworks from 1996. Since 10 years, Jacques Perconte is working on digital material to make happen in the movies he is shooting pitctural and plastic qualities quite incredible.
The movie " Impressions " is an exploration of the colors of the Normandy of the impressionnists, striving to capture what is happening in the picture and leads beyond itself, a trace of infinity. Recently awarded of Best International Work at Winnipeg’s Festival of Film and Video Art 2012

会場/Place:土間の家 Doma house(京都市上京区仁和寺街道下の森通下ル鳳瑞町225-14)
