Entries from 2012-01-01 to 1 year

Movie Night on this wednesday 6 of June

みなさま、こんにちは。 今週の映画は、Jankaからの熱いリクエストに応えて、『Babies』という赤ちゃんにまつわる映画です。 6日水曜日の夜の8:00から上映予定です。 ぜひ赤ちゃんをつれてどうぞ。 Hello friends This wednesday, we are going to watch a …

5月30 日のムービーナイト  Movie Night on 30 of May

みなさまこんにちは。 「楽町洛家」のオープンハウスにお越し下さった皆様、ありがとうございました。 たくさんの素晴らしい方々と時間が共有できて、とても幸せな2日間でした。 この家を「使う」ことにシフトしていくための足場が少しずつ固まってきている…

I'm the new, thanks!!!

こんにちは、皆さん。 前回の記事で紹介にあずかりました横岩良太です。 今月26日27日の「土間の家オープンハウス」(@楽町楽家2012)や何かで皆さんにお会い出来れば嬉しいです。 載せてもらった写真は、タクがナイスなカメラでナイスに撮ってくれ…


Dear friends and members of DOMA family.We are proud to introduce a new member in the DOMA gang. Mr. Ryota "Karate Quantum" Yokoiwa.Hope you will go along the way with us for a while and share a lot of fun!Kisses 親愛なる皆様少し遅くなりま…

「楽町楽家‘12 」に参加します。 We are going to join "Rakumachi-Rakuya '12".

こんにちは。 日頃からお世話になっている「まちぐらし集団 CHOBO」さんのお誘いで「楽町楽家‘12 」というイベントに参加します。 5月の26・27日の10:30〜17:30の時間帯にオープンハウスというかたちでの参加になります。 当日はささやかながらフリーマ…

1st Drive in Doma Cinema Night.

Dear friends and members of the D-family. We will be holding this wednesday (april 11th) the first Doma cinema night.Why wednesday? Well because everybody is very busy on week end and it's sometimes nice to have a break during the week to …


Dear friends and members of Doma family. Yassi left the house this monday to move back in Yokohama with his family, where he will pursue his master course in Architecture at YGSA.As one of the founder of Doma he is one of its most active m…

ABOUT the EVENT 土間の家一周年感謝祭では 

Dear friends! Here is the program for the 1 year anniversary event that will be held on 1st of April ! It will start at 1 pm.皆様、 4月1日の一周年感謝祭でのイベントを発表いたします! 13:00〜開始です. There will be many events !・Exhibition…

This year in Doma : An Exhibition.

Dear friends and members of the Doma familyIt's been now one year since everything started in Doma.皆様、土間の家が始まって一年が経とうとしています。 To celebrate this event, Sarah, Takussi-Yasussi-Vikussi, and the Barna family are proud t…

Yassi の ヅリムランド Part 2 : Floor me up Yasushi ! (Bla bla bla by yassi)

Vikussi desu.ビクシーです。 Long time no news! Like my friend Kurt was saying "All Apologies". Baby Gerugu needed some calm time during this month so we all went on doing other things. Anyway, we're back. Maybe.またしても長いこと空いてしま…

Yassi の ヅリムランド Part 1 : Setting up the wall (タイトルは原作者のオリジナル性を尊重しておりますby yassi)

First article on a series on Yassi's room, I'll detail today the first stage of how the floor and wall on the future dry garden was realized. If you remember well this was pretty much how we left Yasushi's room after finishing the façade w…

Closing the Doma. Part 2 : Fantastic Plastic Machine 土間内部化2 

Second part of the work was to build a wooden frame that would sandwich the vinyl sheet.続いての仕事はビニールを貼るための木の枠をつくることです。 A secondary pillar is added on an existing foundation stone. This is mainly for the size of …

Closing the Doma. Part 1 : Foundation. 土間内部化その1 基礎

As winter was coming by it was decided to close the Doma as fast as possible. At least to prevent the wind from entering the entire house. The challenging part was of course to close but to keep the transparency that was giving its qualiti…

Facade on the street side - Part 2 : Bamboo and Mud 

Hi, First of all happy new year from all members of Doma !まず始めに、皆様あけましておめでとうございます。 Due to recent birth and the rush that preceded it's been a while since we haven't kept people posted on the house. The project went …