Yassi の ヅリムランド Part 2 : Floor me up Yasushi ! (Bla bla bla by yassi)

Vikussi desu.ビクシーです。 Long time no news! Like my friend Kurt was saying "All Apologies". Baby Gerugu needed some calm time during this month so we all went on doing other things. Anyway, we're back. Maybe.またしても長いこと空いてしま…

Yassi の ヅリムランド Part 1 : Setting up the wall (タイトルは原作者のオリジナル性を尊重しておりますby yassi)

First article on a series on Yassi's room, I'll detail today the first stage of how the floor and wall on the future dry garden was realized. If you remember well this was pretty much how we left Yasushi's room after finishing the façade w…

Closing the Doma. Part 2 : Fantastic Plastic Machine 土間内部化2 

Second part of the work was to build a wooden frame that would sandwich the vinyl sheet.続いての仕事はビニールを貼るための木の枠をつくることです。 A secondary pillar is added on an existing foundation stone. This is mainly for the size of …

Closing the Doma. Part 1 : Foundation. 土間内部化その1 基礎

As winter was coming by it was decided to close the Doma as fast as possible. At least to prevent the wind from entering the entire house. The challenging part was of course to close but to keep the transparency that was giving its qualiti…

Facade on the street side - Part 2 : Bamboo and Mud 

Hi, First of all happy new year from all members of Doma !まず始めに、皆様あけましておめでとうございます。 Due to recent birth and the rush that preceded it's been a while since we haven't kept people posted on the house. The project went …

Façade on the street side - Part 1 : Cleaning + Making up the frame

It has been a moment since we wrote, And lot of work had been done.長いこと更新せずにいました。 そしてたくさんの仕事をこなしてきました。 This time I'm gonna make a series of article on the renovation on the window/wall of the guest room - …

Before / After

Just found out of the box some pictures of Doma long time ago.This is a view to Gerg's room from Yassi's room - BEFORE And AFTER That's nice to say all the work that was done so far. In bonus track, now that I am in the old pictures. Back …


Sharpening tools is one of the most important work when working with wood. You always need to have the proper tool, in good condition. Daiku put a lot of importance in sharpening, thus it takes a quite big part of the working time道具を研…

Removing the floor structure  床の構造体の解体

We recently removed the floor/ structure on top of Yassi's room. The house is now like naked !ここ最近はyassiの部屋の上(ゲストルーム)の構造体を解体していた。 今「土間の家」は素っ裸状態。 The only "remaining part" in a way is the box that…

Past days gathering : making the walls DAY 2

VictorですAs sun was rising on the second day, work went on in Doma. 二日目の日が昇り、土間の家ワークショップ再開。 The team had been reduced a bit for the morning tasks, thus we mainly fostered on waving the bamboo grid and adding horizon…

Past days gathering : making the walls DAY 1

Victorです I'll now try to write some articles on a more regular schedule to keep the project updated - maybe on a 2-3 days basis, we might also publish one longer article per month on a selected subject depending on the schedule and the w…


yassiです.院試のため更新が滞りましたが,無事終わりました.It has been a long time since I wrote last news.We have created floor of the room which has a sunken kotatsu. この一週間,掘りごたつのある四畳半の部屋の床を作っていました. There were w…


I show you pictures of the construction held in the beginning of this month. They remove the long beams and put new one.今月頭にやっていただいた,梁の工事の写真を載せます. The problem is that white ants have eaten the beam for a long time. …


Now アラキ工務店(ARAKI : the construction company) is repairing the beam which is eaten by termites terribly. Ex-beam is 6 meters long; 300mm diameter; japanese pine wood; placed between the big roof house and double layered house. The sur…


入居当初の話です。 四月の入居時点で水道は使用不可能だった。 水道の元栓をひねると3カ所から水が漏れた(吹き出した)。 トイレはもちろんその機能を果たさなかった。 お隣さんからバケツで水を分けてもらいながらの超節水生活がはじまった。 トイレは簡…

What we do recently.

Hi,it's yassi.I introduce our recent change. 最近の経過を報告します.・They remove old ceder board on the south facade, and renew it. Fortunately our owner paid it. 南側の焼板を取り替えていただきました. これは大家さん負担でやっていただきま…


yassiです.めんどくさいので日本語だけ. そのうち英語かきます. ごめんね. 一階と、その真上のプライベートルームの床壁天井をはがした. はがしたのは構造以外の部分で,今後の工事の障害となるので不要であるためだ. フランスからの留学生のVictorが作業を手…


yassiです. 今日は昼からtakuが踏み抜いた床(不可抗力)の修繕をしていました. takuの弟Keitaと一緒に. 兄貴の粗相(不可抗力)は弟がかぶる. 惨状はこんなカンジ 音無ですが、ストップモーションしてみました. Keita ディティール こういうカンジで仕上が…